Choosing character names in fiction is very important because of the connotation the name implies to the reader. For instance, I think of John Wayne and immediately I am carried away to the world of a good tough guy. So, naming my strong protagonist John would be appropriate. You may be fortunate and know exactly what you want to name each character in your book. But for those of us who struggle to get just the right name, the following suggestion may help. There are three things to consider when choosing names for the characters in your novel.
First, identify your character and describe her qualities, personality, and physical attributes. After you go through this exercise and are satisfied with your results, begin to visualize this person. Think about what she would wear and how she would respond to actions you have planned to write for her.
Next, paint a vivid picture of the setting of the book. A swamp setting might inspire a different name than a desert or onboard a ship in the ocean. Think of a southern belle name during the civil war compared to a business tycoon who has clawed her way to the top and how that might influence the name choice.
The third suggestion is to consider culture, and trends of the time. If you are writing in the present day there a myriad of names to select, however, if you are writing historical fiction set in the 1700’s, there will be fewer choices.
These suggestions are just to help get you going if you are stuck for a name for a character and by no means dictate what you want to name your characters. That is what is so empowering about writing. You get to decide!