Storytelling Tips

StorytellingStorytelling Tips

Every culture has its own stories, which are shared as a means of education, entertainment, instilling moral values or cultural preservation. In order to get the audience to have the same feeling you experienced, center the event in some particular way. In this post, we will give 5 tips and quotes to help you on your journey.

Five Storytelling Tips:

The Emotional Journey

If your story carries some of your own experiences, take the reader on the same emotional journey that you experienced.

How you do anything is how you do everything. Engage!

Keep Engagement Going

Every story needs a near constant element of mystery to keep the reader engaged.
Constantly, raise questions on the reader’s mind and every time you answer one of those questions, raise another.

This is where What happened? and What happens next will meet.

Throw in a Twist

This is where the reader would say: “I was expecting an old lady and found out she was 13.”
Twists are great memorable triggers, radical change in the direction and unexpected outcome of the plot. I personally tend to predict outcomes very often, so when a great twist comes along, I am delighted.

The difference between fiction and non-fiction is that fiction needs to make sense.

Lessons Learned

The best stories have lessons at the end. As a dedicated author, you must ask yourself: What’s the audience supposed to take away from this story?

Your Brain doesn’t learn through consumption, it learns through creation.

A good way I have seen that done is starting with a problem and how people can relate to it. Teaching through stories should be done purposely. After all, the stories we write are meant to teach us about life, ourselves and about others.

World Dominance

Create great stories that combine information and emotion for the best long term memory. Always remember that all learning is state dependent.

You are a thermostat, not a thermometer. You set the temperature around you, not react to the environment around you.

So, you must control how you feel, your state of mind controls your narrative and whoever controls the narrative, controls the world.

As you make your habits, your habits will make you.


The most emotionally invested your story is, the most memorable it will be. Keep on writing!

If you need help in the form of a writing coach or publisher, we are just an email away. Contact us at