eBooksElectronic Books (eBooks) are the eco-friendly way to go. The ability to carry thousands of eBooks in one single device is a huge advantage, but the fact that they cost 50% less to produce is by far the biggest advantage that eBooks have over all the other formats. eBooks are interactive, can contain images, video and audio and table of contents that will zip you directly to the part you want to read. We believe that eBooks are a great addition to printed books, but in no way, they are a replacement. It is an inexpensive solution with a wide distribution that is not limited to Amazon kindle, Google or iTunes.

Our eBook solution includes:

  1. An eye-catching title page
  2. Hierarchy design to highlight important information
  3. Consistent design and branding with your printed version
  4. Enhancements with custom graphics and internal links
  5. External links
  6. Preservation of white space for a pleasant experience
  7. Use of color for a pleasant experience
  8. Call to action – We make it shareable
  9. Addition of downloadable resources
  10. Wide distribution

Get a quote. Contact us today.