What about that book you were going to write in 2018? What about that house you were going to get paid off? What did just happened? You look around and you are still fat, worrying about finances and living under your potential.
Politicians are famous for saying “Promises made, promises kept.” But, what is this about you making a new year’s resolution year-after-year and breaking promise with yourself and others? Was it a lack of motivation or a change of plans? Oh, I know… You were motivated and the plans didn’t change, the issue was that the number one killer of dreams (your chosen distractions) stole your time.
If that happened to you in 2018, you are not alone.
Killing The Killer
The new year is here and what really matters now is to have a plan and work that plan.
First, identify what are your distractions. Write them down with the header “Things to Resist.” Yes, we are jumping on the bandwagon of “resistance.” Just not in the political arena, but instead, resistance to our daily dream killers.
Now that you have identified what the distractions are, you have to tag the enabling devices. A good idea is to place a sticky note on the device(s) that have enabled your distractions. Whether you distraction is been enabled by your TV, PC, mobile or whatever device, write on the sticky note “DISTRACTION” and place it on the device. Let it serve as a warning to you.
Becoming aware of what is distracting you will empower you to resist. Just making a conscious decision to resist is NOT enough.
This is war and you are outgunned. If your distraction is social media, limit yourself to 10 minutes a day and live with it. NO. You’ve got to kill it dead. There is no room for a compromise with distractions. If this is robbing you of your future, do not give it any time at all. Not 10 minutes and not 1 minute. Kill it dead.
Back To The Plan
If your plan was to write a book, write it. If your plan was to get a better job, get it. If it was to graduate, Do it. It is as simple as that.
Plan to succeed so you can succeed on your plan.
The reality is that you have heard all of this many times and over the years you came to the conclusion that it is too hard to resist and you don’t have what it takes. I am here to tell you that that is a lie from the pit of hell. It is not to hard and you are perfectly capable of accomplishing your goals in 2019. You know where you want to be, so start taking the steps to get there.
Don’t “Fake it until you make it.” No. You don’t have to fake it. You got this.
Believe it and show that you believe it by doing what believers do – Act on it.
Will it be painful in the beginning? Yes, it will. And in many cases, it will be painful in the middle too. But, you’ve got to do it.
Why Asks Why
You’ve got to imagine where you want to be. Visualize it. If it is a thing, hold it in your hands. Feel the feelings associated to what you want and where you want to be.
Feelings preceded by thought become things.
In the end you will have groan and grown and the result will be beautiful and lasting. In this visualization exercise, your sabotaging behaviors are dead. Your distractions are gone. You starved them from their food source – your time, and now those bad behaviors are history. You’ve got it done. Now, we celebrate the new you. The dream killer is dead.