A Lost Art?

A Lost Art?

Hand-written notes are gifts that we do not often receive. The card above is one I received from a friend I hadn’t seen since high school. Not only were her words kind (I liked your book, a lot) she took the time to hand write the note. I keep it on a shelf in my office to remind me of how personal our words can be and how powerfully words can touch the reader.

Perhaps, coincidentally, my New Year’s resolution has been to hand write letters to friends and family. I am moved with immense joy reading a lovely letter from a cousin responding to one of mine. It’s Christmas morning when I find a handwritten letter in my mailbox.

Letters play a significant role in my new book, Jeanne. The story takes place in the 1930’s and 1940’s when writing letters was a major form of communication. Letters are a young girl, Jeanne’s treasures. They can be treasures for you, too. So, I encourage you to write, letters or poems or stories or novels. Your words will touch someone.